Currently Hoya versteegii has four peduncles with open flowers. This is a very poor photograph, which I am going to try to remedy tomorrow by taking it outside to take better pictures, but if I can’t, this is better than nothing I guess.
Who Would Have Thought That Hoya sp. Haruku Would Have Made Such A Hansom Specimen
All of my H. sp. Haruku plants in the past have had much smaller leaves, because they were expose to too much light. This plant hangs in a North window and the leaves are almost twice as large and much nicer to look at in my opinion. This plant is grown in 100% coconut husk chips. Here is a photo after I gave it a shower this morning. The photo does not do the plant justice!
Huge Difference In Plants Appearance Depending Under What Kind Of Conditions It Is Grown
My friend Bob from Ohio recently sent me photos of his Hoya vitellinoides that he grew from a cutting that I personally gave him from my plant. You would hardly know that they are the same plant as they look so radically different. The top photo is my plant from a couple of years ago, and the bottom two photos are of the exact same plant grown under Bob’s conditions.
There is a lot of research that could be done on just exactly what are the differences that produce such distinctive plants from the exact same cutting. There is a movement among plant scientists currently to lump many heretofore separate species into a single species. The conditions under which a plant is grown could have a lot to do with why they originally were thought to be different species, but are in fact the same plant.
This spectacular photo of Hoya Bella ‘Anneke Buis’ Won’t Happen Again
The negatives of this huge Sugar Maple in the back yard has finally outweighed the benefits so it is slated for removal in the next few weeks. So photos of Hoyas hanging in this tree that I have taken over the years will no longer be possible. This photo of Hoya Bella Albomarginata is a great way to go out!
Hoya Bella Outer Variegated In Full Blooming Splendor
Hoya Bella Albomarginata other wise Known as Anneke Buis is in full out flowering mode. It is so spectacular, that I will devote two days to it!
Hoya sulawesiana Short Leaf and Hoya kanyakumariana
Here is the last Hoya flower comparison photo for a while as tomorrow we will move on to another species.
Hoya leticiae and Hoya versteegii
I have to remind everyone that while it may look like this versteegii bloom is inserted into these photos, it is done the old fashion way of me walking around to see what is flowering at the moment and physically holding the versteegii flower next to what is in bloom. I don’t own Photoshop and would not have a clue about how to use it if I did.
Hoya Almost Paula and Hoya versteegii
I have to say that the Hoya that I call Almost Paula may go down as my most floriferous Hoya of all time. It is never out of flower and sometimes has over a hundred flowers open at the same time.
Hoya danumensis ssp. amari and Hoya versteegii
I have to say that Hoya danumensis ssp. amari used to be a far better grower for me than it is now.
Hoya paxtonii and Hoya versteegii
White on white, or more accurately off white on white!