Let’s Talk About The Parentage Of Hoya fungii x Hoya pubicalyx RHP

I had to look this one up as I was unsure of how this was done. If there is a wild cross and you are unsure of the which plant bore the seedpod of a suspected cultivar, parents are written in alphabetical order. If you know which plant was the mother and had the seedpod, the mother is written first, followed a multiplication sign, followed by the father. I have seen this plant written both ways on the internet so I have to go with how it was labeled when I got it; so I assume that the plant that bore the seedpod was Hoya fungii. Please let me know if this is incorrect in the comment section of a YouTube video that I will post in the near future.

Growing Hoya fungii x Hoya pubicalyx RHP Part Two

I rooted this plant in coconut husk chips and moved it to soft tree fern substrate after the 3 oz up was full of roots. It graduated to a 4.75 inch clear orchid pot, and soon produced numerous peduncles and strong buds soon followed. This is a strong plant with no annoying tendency to blast buds thankfully!

Happy Independence Day – More Hopeful Buds

I am now 80% sure that I have lost my buds on Hoya desvoeuxensis, which is pretty disheartening, but it does at least show me that it is theoretically possible to flower it. To help assuage my bud loss on that Holy grail Hoya is a newly discovered peduncle and developing buds on Hoya stenophylla, which was not even on my radar as a possibility of flowering. Everyone please cross your fingers on this one for me!

Hoya Patricia Never Ceases To Amaze!

Hoya Patricia is growing in pure soft tree fern substrate and really seems to like it as it continually pushes out these new flowers. I actually got behind in the watering on this one, and the leaves were all limp, but after a good soaking they plumped right back up again.

Final Day With 2nd Flowering of Hoya vangviengiensis

When I flowered this plant the first time, I broke off 4 flowers trying to get it out of the tent to photograph it. This time I was extra careful when removing it. This plant is about as far from being floriferous as a plant can be. While it has tons of peduncles, it only manages to flower on one of them. I don’t know if I reported this last time, but the flowers on this one are among the longest lasting in the Hoya world. I got almost 3 weeks out of the last batch. I will bring this one back if I ever get it to flower again.