I Know Little About The Origins of Hoya Mistie

Here is all I know about Hoya Mistie from the woman who sent me the plant:

Hello Doug.. I received a cutting from AH Hoya that appears to be a new Hoya… Hoya Mistie. I searched the Hoya pages I’m on and can’t see that anyone has yet sold it.
I did some research and contacted the “breeder” in Poland and found out it’s a seedling from erythrina (mother plant). X father unknown. Here’s the info I have from the grower.. his description and picture of the flower.
I have several cuttings rooting and would like to send you one if you are interested. I’d love to follow your journey with this Hoya.

Take care, Mary Hammond

Let’s Talk About Hoya Mistie

Hoya Mistie was given to me as a small rooted cutting in May of this year by Mary Hammond. I want to thank her for thinking of me and letting me have a crack at growing this plant out and trying to flower it.

Hoya pubicalyx RHP From July

I finally got the chance to post these photo of the buds and flowers from one of the best of the easy to grow Hoyas. This plant has now been with me for over 10 years, when so many others have fallen by the wayside, this one has stood the test of time.

New Hoya For Me – Hoya stenakei

I imported this Hoya from Indonesia in late spring; it was quite an ordeal, but more on that later. Hoya stenakei is the only Hoya that I have seen that has highly pubescent new leaves that fade and become completely glabrous when the leaf matures. Hoya stenakei is the missing link to the Macgillivrayi Group of Hoyas! Here are the beautiful new leaves of the species: