New Hoya For Me – Hoya versteegii

I struggled with this plant initially when I got it over a year ago, and had to start it over a couple of times before I got it right. It seems to be growing well now, which makes me happy as it has among the most beautiful leaves in the Hoya world.

Final Day With Hoya Mistie

Hoya Mistie was a fun Hoya to grow out. It flowers at less than six months of age, and the flowers have a delightful fragrance. The only drawback to the plant is that I have not been able to figure out what causes the chlorotic leaves. I think that this is some kind of issue with my growing conditions so I won’t hold it against the plant. If you can find this Hoya, I recommend that you give it a try!

Growing Hoya Mistie Part One

Usually I have quite a few stops and starts with a Hoya, but Hoya Mistie always grew well with no stops. The plant has always been a little chlorotic looking though, and I am unsure why. Perhaps it is the coconut husk medium that I am growing it out in, but that is the only drawback that I have found with the plant. If I can figure out why the leaves are not dark green, I will report back.