Final Day with Hoya evelinae

At the time of this writing (February 2023), I can only go by the identification of the plant I received from the Indonesian vendor. Truthfully both my Hoya evelinae and Hoya apoda are so much alike other than leaf size and number of buds on a peduncle, I am wondering whether they both should be called Hoya sp. aff. evelinae. As the plant ages, it will be interesting to see if I can get several flowers on the same peduncle, that would help demonstrate to me that I indeed have Hoya evelinae. Here is a link to Nathalie Simonsson and Michele Rodda’s published paper on the species:

Whether I have Hoya evelinae, or Hoya sp. aff. evelinae, it is a fantastic Hoya that flowers almost continuously and is very easy to cultivate. It gets a very high recommendation from me to add to any houseplant collection!

Differences Between Hoya apoda and Hoya evelinae

The plant that I have which has been identified as Hoya apoda, from a consensus of internet Hoya experts, is different than the plant that I received as Hoya evelinae in only a couple of ways. The leaves of H. evelinae are about 1/3 larger than on H. apoda, and H. apoda never has more than one flower emerge at a time from a peduncle, whereas H. evelinae many times has 2 or more.

Hoya evelinae Is A Native of Papua New Guinea

Hoya evelinae was discovered in the Western Province of PNG, on the Black River near Dahamo. It is a climber in riverine forest, often growing on trees or shrubs, or even on mossy rocks, near or above streams. Not observed on taller trees or in sunnier and drier areas, only in shade or filtered sunlight. Locally common. It was found at elevations from 440-460 meters.

Let’s Talk About Hoya evelinae

I received Hoya evelinae from an Indonesian import order that I made last summer (2022). It came in quite bad shape, but was really quick to recover. I re-rooted it coconut husk mixed with tree fern fiber and put it into a propagation box and it took right off. This was a plant that I was not sure that I really wanted as the flowers look almost identical to Hoya apoda. Below the leaves of Hoya evelinae: