Growing Hoya MB 1594 C Part Two

It took about a year and a half to bring Hoya MB 1594 C into bloom, but the wait was worth it. Although the plant was not Scarlett O’Hoya, the blooms were completely stunning in their own right.

Growing Hoya MB 1594 C Part One

I received this plant as a cutting in 2021 and it rooted quickly, but took awhile to establish itself. It went through 3 different up-potting’s and finally came into its own. Below the leaves of Hoya MB 1594 C:

Time To Talk About Hoya MB 1594 C (Hoya mindorensis x MB 1228)

I received this plant as a trade from a woman in Maine in the fall of 2021. This cutting turned out to be a case of mistaken identity. She had desperately hoped that the plant she had purchased was Hoya Scarlett O’Hoya ( Hoya MB 1594 A). I flowered it first and found out that the plant was from the same seedpod, but not the plant she was hoping for. As far as I can tell, there were three released plants from this cross in 2018. Scarlett O’Hoya (MB 1594 A) which had deeply red flowers and a band around the perimeter of the leaves; Hoya Sunshine (MB 1594 B) which had a yellowish flower with white in the corona, and Hoya MB 1594 C, its flowers having a orangey-yellow color with red/pink corona. Below the flowers of MB 1594 C.

Final Day With Hoya MB 1247

Most of the Mike Bernardo Hybrids are worth searching out and Hoya MB 1247 is no exception. Give it enough time, and it can become a gorgeous specimen plant that you can be very proud to have in your collection!

The Flowers of Hoya MB 1247 Have No Scent

The flowers are another feature of this hybrid that improves greatly with age. The first few times this plant flowered the flowers were only partial umbels, but now with maturity the blooms form full ball that are quite striking. There is no scent and unfortunately it is a heavy dripper of nectar – at least when grown in a high humidity grow tent.

Hoya MB 1247 Improves With Age

Initially I was not particularly impressed with this plant as the leaves were kind of bumpy and had a slightly yellowish cast to them, but something happened as this plant aged. It became much more beautiful; the leaves are now nice and dark with lovely speckling, and the overall form is gorgeous!

Hoya MB 1247 Came To Me As A Cutting

Hoya MB 1247 came to me as a cutting from a very nice and knowledgeable grower from Michigan in mid to late 2022. All I knew about it was that it was a Mike Bernardo cross between Hoya erythrostemma and Hoya erythrina. It quickly rooted and grew well enough for the next several months. It budded up and flowered for me for the first time in November of 2023.

Let’s Talk About A Couple of Mike Bernardo Hybrids

I flowered both of these hybrids some time ago, but never made the time to get them posted to this site. It is time to remedy that situation now. We will start with Hoya MB 1247 (H. erythrostemma X H. erythrina). Below an early photo of the entire plant: