Growing Hoya onychoides New (AH-455) Part Three

When I start using long flushes of regular chlorinated tap water, the plant started to come around from some of its root rot problems late in the summer of 2021. It started to put on new growth and a few healthy roots. In September it put on a peduncle and when it was move back inside for the year under a new LED plant light, buds began to develop and it flowered around Halloween.

Growing Hoya onychoides New (AH-455) Part Two

After the roots were gone, I took a strong cutting and rooted it in leca and put the plant in a semi-hydro pot. At the time I was converting many of my plants to leca thinking this was going to be the answer to some of my rot problems – trust me that it was not the answer! This plant grew strongly for a while through out most of 2020 and then stalled out in the latter half of the winter. The biggest problem with growing in leca using a reservoir is that if you don’t flush regularly with clear tap water you will quickly get rot, and that is what caused the plant to stall out.

Growing Hoya onychoides New (AH-455) Part One

I received a cutting of this Hoya in the summer of 2019 from Jimmy Myers in North Carolina. I had been struggling with Hoya onychoides New (AH-307) for sometime having had to start it over an number of times. So I was kind of ambivalent about this one, but I planted it in soil and it rooted up. It grew okay for awhile, but then as was happening to so many of my plants in that period, the roots rotted.

Hoya pubicalyx Royal Hawaiian Purple Flowers In The Tent

I believe these pubicalyx clones are now called pubicorolla, but you know what, I will let the experts name them, and I will just continue growing them. RHP depending upon the conditions under which it is grown can have flowers that border on being almost black, or the more typical color here. Sunlight produces the darkest flowers in my experience.

Hoya linearis Times Two

Hoya linearis is a plant that I have no real understanding of; when it grows well it is awesome, but it can go downhill with one watering mistake. All I can say is enjoy it while you can!