It is true that the older we get, the faster the years seem to go by! We barely seem to have started 2017, and now we are entering 2018. I usually take the opportunity on the first of a new year to look back in Hoyas on the highlights of my previous year.
The best new thing that I learned was the benefits of starting new Hoyas in net pots so that it more easily apparent when to water. More on this new method in the coming weeks – Thanks Jimmy for the best growing advice I received in 2017! Honorable mention goes to learning to grow Hoya lockii and Hoya papaschonii in sphagnum moss for fantastic results.
Best Hoya seed experience: successfully harvesting and growing out the seed of H. manipurensis with 100% germination. Honorable mention to getting my first seed pod on Hoya bella and growing out three dozen Hoya papaschonii from seed.
Most exciting new Hoya to flower for the first time was a tie between Hoya blashernaezii ssp siariae, which I will be discussing in the coming weeks and Hoya oblongacutifolia the formerly named Hoya graveolens:
The biggest honor from 2017 was to have one of my photos used in the Swedish Hoyatelegrafen. The Swedes are always on the cutting edge of the Hoya world and to be asked to contribute a photo meant a lot to me. Below is a photo of the cover and my H. chinghungensis photo that was used for the center spread. Thank you to my friend who was kind enough to send me the photos since I have yet to subscribe.
Well, Those are the highlights of 2017 for me, and I want to wish all of you a very happy New Year and great growing in 2018.