Hoya pottsii sp. Noid Or The 64 Month Mess

Back in the summer of 2012 Joni Kahn from SRQ Hoyas contacted me to ask if I would be interested in free Hoyas with the condition attached that she would get the photos if and when they bloomed.  At the time, it made a lot of sense as she found that the plants sold far better with flower photos.  She came to me as it seemed that I could flower any Hoya that I wanted to, which was never the case, but I did try really hard.  Anyhow, of the twenty or so Hoyas she sent me, this was the last one to flower.

It came with an incorrect ID Tag that said Hoya blashernaezii IML 1631, and grew miserably for over five years.  I can’t believe how many times I almost threw it it the waste bin.  More tomorrow. The foliage of Hoya pottsii sp. Noid below: