A good friend sent me a copy of this brand new book, and I have to say that it is outstanding! I’m so excited about A Guide to the Hoyas of Borneo that it is hard to know where to begin. First of all the book is in full color, with some of the most amazing photos of Hoyas growing in their natural environment that I have seen. There are sections on where most of the 67 covered Hoyas live, which is very helpful when trying to replicate those conditions at home. There are many Hoyas covered that are extremely new discoveries that have yet to make it to the trade including Hoya medinillifolia, which actually has blue tinted flowers! There are photos of seedpods of many species, which I have never seen. Ever wondered what the seedpods of Hoya imperialis look like? It is shown in this book.
This is a book that you will refer to again and again. I give it my highest recommendation! Here are a couple of sources for purchasing it. You can order it by copying and pasting this link into your browser: https://www.nhpborneo.com/book/hoyas-borneo/ If you live in the UK, I have just learned that there is a gentleman named Mike Parks who has ordered copies of the book to sell there. His contact information is: mikeparkbooks@virginmedia.com
Here is a photo of the book in my hand – buy the book, you won’t be sorry!