Here is What is Going On in My Hoya World Right Now

I have a number of interesting Hoya related items that I am currently working on.  I have time-lapse cameras set up on two plants right now – Hoya macgillivrayi and Hoya imperialis.  Both have impressive bud clusters, and I am hopeful that my new higher quality cameras will capture much better photos than I have been able to obtain in the past. 

On a negative note, I have been fighting a Spider Mite problem for a few weeks now on a few of my thinner leaved Hoyas.  I have finally resorted to using Dr. Doom’s Mite Knock Down Spray.  So far, results are promising.  One other piece of disappointing news; I’m afraid that my serpens seeds may not be viable.  It has now been one week since sowing them and there has been no germination.  My experience with other Hoyas seeds has always been that they germinate very quickly usually in 3-4 days if they are any good.  I had big plans for these seeds, and promised half of them to a friend, but it is not looking good. 

Ending on a more promising note, it looks likely that my Hoya picta plant will be blooming soon.  I have not been able to bloom this plant in a couple of years, and my plant at this time looks incredible.  It is covered with peduncles and buds are developing rapidly.  I look forward to sharing photos of this plant and possibly a video in the near future.