Hoya sp. EPC-209 NRT 1 Lives Again

Hoya sp. EPC-209 has always been one of my favorite Hoyas and I was sad that I lost the plant a couple of years ago, but happily my friend Naomi gave me a cutting last year. It quickly rooted in coconut husk and has now flowered for the first time.

Haven’t Flowered This One In A While

I recently chopped Hoya sp. EPC-610 aff. acuta up into cuttings, because of root rot, and started it over. A number of those very tiny 2 and 3 leaved plants produced peduncles and have now flowered. Sometimes if you really want to flower something, the best thing you can do is to start it over! This is a great plant with a fantastic fragrance.

Final Day With Hoya fungii x Hoya pubicalyx RHP

This is a Hoya cultivar that gets my absolute highest recommendation for its outstanding foliage, very early first blooms, and ease of care. I really can’t say anything bad about this one; simply everyone should have it in their collection!

Let’s Talk About The Parentage Of Hoya fungii x Hoya pubicalyx RHP

I had to look this one up as I was unsure of how this was done. If there is a wild cross and you are unsure of the which plant bore the seedpod of a suspected cultivar, parents are written in alphabetical order. If you know which plant was the mother and had the seedpod, the mother is written first, followed a multiplication sign, followed by the father. I have seen this plant written both ways on the internet so I have to go with how it was labeled when I got it; so I assume that the plant that bore the seedpod was Hoya fungii. Please let me know if this is incorrect in the comment section of a YouTube video that I will post in the near future.

Growing Hoya fungii x Hoya pubicalyx RHP Part Two

I rooted this plant in coconut husk chips and moved it to soft tree fern substrate after the 3 oz up was full of roots. It graduated to a 4.75 inch clear orchid pot, and soon produced numerous peduncles and strong buds soon followed. This is a strong plant with no annoying tendency to blast buds thankfully!