Final Day With Hoya myrmecopa

The flowers of Hoya myrmecopa are available in a few different colors; my clone was sold as purple. I no longer keep this plant but would like to give it another try someday, experimenting with some looser growing mediums and watering much less. The flowers are cute and a well grown plant is very nice to see.

Growing Hoya myrmecopa Part Two

I finally got this plant to grow well enough for me to get it to flower in February of 2019. I strongly suspect that I simply could not keep this plant warm enough to grow well. I also think that I was using a mix that held too much water and was not airy enough. If I still had the plant I would experiment with other growing media.

Growing Hoya myrmecopa Part One

I received Hoya myrmecopa in the summer of 2017 from AH Hoyas in Thailand as a small plant rooted in coconut husk. It never did very well for me developing root rot on several occasions necessitating me have to start it over a number of times.

Hoya myrmecopa Is Native To Sulawesi

Sulawesi is an island governed by Indonesia; it used to be called Celebes. Back in the day when I was an aquarist I kept the Celebes Rainbow fish, so doing research for this plant was kind of like going home and brought back a lot of memories of my fishkeeping days.

Let’s Talk About Hoya myrmecopa

I have now flowered in excess of 260 different Hoya species and cultivars. Someday I will try to get an exact count, but there is at least 260 and there are probably many more. Anyhow, sometimes I have had so many different ones flower that I somehow miss one of them and they never have made it to this site. I usually only discover it by accident and this is the case with Hoya myrmecopa.

The True Hoya sp. Black Leaves?

I have finally found a Hoya that has nearly black leaves when the first emerge, and strangely enough it is not the plant called H. sp. Black Leaves! It is a plant called Hoya sp. CoXanh 001; I have no idea yet where this plant is from, or what CoXanh is all about. Hopefully I will flower it soon, and find out more about it. Here is a photo of the leaves from this morning: