Hoya sp. AH-014 Has Grown Very Quickly

I received Hoya sp. AH-014 as a very small plant in May of this year and it made the trip in good condition, because of its thick fleshy leaves.  The thin-leaved Hoyas did not fare nearly so well.  I would encourage any one ordering from Thailand for your first time to stick with thick, or hard-leaved species as they will likely make the trip in good shape.  Here is a photo of the entire Hoya sp. AH-014 plant after about 5 months:


Hoya sp. AH-014 Comes From Thailand

Hoya sp. AH-014 comes from the vendor AH Hoyas in Thailand.  It is a species Hoya that no one seems to have flowered as of yet, and that is what attracted me to it.  It has already developed a peduncle, but this means little, as I have had Hoyas develop peduncles before that have not flowered for years.

Hoya sp. AH-014

I almost never bring you Hoyas before they have bloomed for me, but this Hoya is so remarkable, I had to break my rule.  I have never seen aerial roots this long or decorative on any Hoya before.

Hoya deykeae Unleashed!

Hoya deykeae has never been a spectacular grower for me until this summer.  It apparently loved the very shady humid conditions provided by my summer greenhouse.  Look at these spectacular leaves!

Final Day with Hoya platycaulis

Hoya platycaulis is a very unique plant that I wish was more readily available.  I have no experience growing it as of yet and will report back as the months go by as to whether I’m successful or not.