Hoya bella Seedlings Finally Start Growing Well

It took a very long time but my H. bella that I started from my own seedpod have finally started to grow well.  Here they are in their little 2 inch pots.  Tomorrow I will show what they look like when I combine and transplant them into a larger pots.

Kitchen Hoya

I only have one Hoya in the kitchen, because we have a number of bird feeders, and we like to watch the birds out of those windows.  Right now only Hoya papaschonii lives in the kitchen.  These are all plants started from seed this year.

Dining Room Hoyas

Below are my dining room Hoyas; I have to run a T-5 strip light here, because the roof overhang cuts out too much light to keep plants in the space. Note the pipe insulation on the electrical cord; we have a cat that likes to chew on them.  If we ever have a fire, it will be because of that darned cat chewing wires!

Cat Room Hoyas

This is a spare bedroom that we call the cat room as it is where we keep the cat littler boxes.  We have two windows in the room.  Top photo contains a couple of hanging Dischidia with Hoyas below. I don’t have the time to name all of the Hoyas in these photos and look up their correct spellings so the photos will have to do.

Tour of Hoyas in the Regular House

Over the next week or so I will show the Hoyas sitting in windows in the house.  Most of these will cease growing and go into hibernation over the winter months.  The goal is to keep them alive until a late spring day when they can move back outside once again for the short Vermont summer.

Below are the windows in the room we call the computer room as it is where I do all of my computer work including writing this blog.