Growing Hoya benchaii Part Two

I got a small rooted cutting of Hoya benchaii way back in 2017. You have probably heard of some Hoyas being referred to as plastic plants; For myself Hoya benchaii typifies that condition. I went through so many points where the plant would only gather dust on the leaves for months with zero growth. I tried growing it in a lot of different media types over the years with many restarts primarily because of root rot.

Hoya benchaii Is Very Similar To Hoya kloppenburgii

Hoya benchaii is very similar to Hoya kloppenburgii, but here are a few differences (Thanks to Mary Carroll for unearthing all of this information!)

  1. Hoya benchaii can be differentiated from Hoya kloppenburgii in having ovate leaves as compared to lanceolate leaves.
  2. Hoya kloppenburgii also has a positively geotropic inflorescence with a long peduncle and an umbel of flowers that is flat to slightly concave; however, there are many more flowers per umbel, up to 15–20, as against 4–11 in Hoya benchaii.
  3. The basal part of the corolla in Hoya kloppenburgii is cream to pale yellow with white pubescent hairs, but pink and glabrous under the corona in Hoya benchaii. The bi-carpellate ovary in Hoya kloppenburgii is much more pointed, and longer, 2 mm compared to 1.6–1.8 mm in Hoya benchaii, based on the type description.

Above Hoya benchaii on the left and Hoya kloppenburgii on the right. I can’t believe that I was lucky enough to have both of these flowering at the same time!