This image is my favorite Hoya pulchra flower comparison photo.

This image is my favorite Hoya pulchra flower comparison photo.
Really have to love these two together!
Hoya patella is almost always good to take flowers from as it is pretty much never out of bloom!
The title says pretty much everything.
I’ve noticed that the flowers on my Hoya pulchra seem much darker than the flower photos that I have seen online. It is no doubt attributable to the very bright LED lights that the plant lives under.
Here are a couple of photos of the really unique flowers of Hoya pulchra close up:
Here is a photo of the back of the flowers showing them off against the background of Hoya versteegii which sits below the hanging pot of H. pulchra.
My plant is very young at this point with very few leaves so it is a long way from being a nice looking specimen. I am sure that with time that will come. Since the initial flowering in December the plant has put on a second peduncle, and is showing signs of wanting to put on new growth.
The plant flowered during the coldest point in my basement grow tents. The nighttime temps went down to around 55 degrees F and Daytime highs were around 72 degrees F.
The plant soldiered on and the vine grew a few more leaves so I up-potted it into a 9oz clear cup. Around 7 months after receiving the plant it formed a long peduncle and started budding up. So while the flowers are similar except for color to Hoya waymaniae, the plant was far easier to grow and flower.