More History of My Hoya paulshirleyi Seedling

After sending out all of these seedlings from the Hoya paulshirleyi seedling cross, the owner of Gardino Nursery decided that they wanted to have a named cultivar and chose one of these seedlings and named it Paula after their daughter. Being new to the cultivar game, they did not understand the proper procedure for creating a name cultivar. Tomorrow I will go into how this is usually handled.

Growing the Hoya paulshirleyi Seedling Part Two

My well rooted cutting made steady progress and flowered in late December of 2021 and I was so excited to research H. GN-01 to find out more about it. Here is what I found out. This seedling was a suspected cross between H. paulshirleyi (mother) and H. albida (father). This was a natural cross that happened at Gardino Nursery in Florida, and the owners of the nursery made a mistake and grew and sold or gave away many plants grown from this seed and labeled all of them Hoya GN-01. More tomorrow…

Time To Talk About My Hoya paulshirleyi Seedling

I can’t put it off any longer as the plant has flowered and I will begin with the history of the plant. I received a cutting of it in June of 2021 with the tag Hoya GN-01. It rooted right off in coconut husk and seemed to like this medium quite a bit. I transplanted it into a bigger cut after a couple of months and it never faltered.

Hoya Patricia Is Back For 2022

I had to start this one over again last summer as I lost the roots to cold and wet. This time I am growing it as a modified hanging plant in my hanging wire trellis. All photos from this morning.

New Way To Grow Hoya soligamiana

I have many of my Hoyas now growing with this hanging wire trellis that I developed and for the most part it is working out quite well. Here is Hoya soligamiana using the hanging trellis with a clear pot so that I can more easily see when to water.