Growing Hoya hamiltoniorum Part Two

I have 2 plants now after starting this Hoya over so many times. I was quite shocked that after so much time, my weakest plant put forth a peduncle that actually began to bud up. It was not strong and only manage to hold on to one bud. I have tried growing it in a number of different medias, and so far coconut husk seems to perform the best, but I am still trying to find the right one.

Growing Hoya hamiltoniorum Part One

Quite frankly this plant has not been a good grower for me at all, and I have yet to figure it out. It seems very susceptible to root rot and I have had to start it over a number of times. It roots easily and puts out peduncles at every leaf node, but getting them to bud up is difficult under my conditions. Below is a typical plant in need of starting over:

It Is Time To Talk About Hoya hamiltoniorum

I received this plant in a two-way transaction in September of 2019 meaning that Jimmy Meyers of North Carolina, and I split a 12 plant Thai order from Surisa Somadee. September is a very bad month to order from Thailand and the plants came in pretty bad condition. Hoya hamiltoniorum was in such bad condition that I had little hope that it would make it so I asked Jimmy not to send it, and see if he could make it live. He somehow managed to pull it off and sent me the plant in the summer of 2020.

Hoya sp. EPC-869 Philippines Long Leaves Flowers Again

I have to say that this really is not much of a Hoya as far as looks go with among the most drab leaves in the Hoya world. I probably will not have it around all that much longer. With that being said, it has flowered for me again with typical Finlaysonii Complex blooms.

Hoya papaschonii With Seedpods Again

I want to thank Naomi from Vermont for giving me back a cutting of Hoya papaschonii last year. Now my plant has its first seedpods. There is no better plant to learn about growing Hoya from seed than this species. They are literally self-pollinating, seed is extremely viable, and seedlings easy to raise.