Growing Hoya stenophylla Part Three

As I examined the slender little vine twirling around another Hoya vine, and climbing ever upward, I noticed something strange. One of the new leaves slowly pushing out seemed strange looking and the closer that I looked at it, I started to realize that it was a newly forming peduncle. I was ecstatic as I never really expected to flower this species as there were almost no photos of this plant online. I followed this peduncle with a magnifying glass for a couple of months as it tried to bud up. The earliest buds would blast but finally with very careful watering two buds held on and began to grow!

Growing Hoya stenophylla Part Two

Hoya stenophylla came to me in September 2021 as a rooted cutting growing in Pon. I kept it this way for a couple of months, but I kept losing leaves, and I have a very difficult time to tell when to water this substrate. I eventually moved it over to tree fern where I barely watered it, and it seemed a little happier. I misted it every day and did not pay it a lot of attention. One day I noticed that one of its vines had twisted around a Hoya polystachya vine in my tent and was rapidly climbing to the top of the grow tent.

Let’s Talk About Hoya stenophylla

I first flowered this plant back in April, and I’m just getting around to discussing it now as there have been so many new flowering for me in 2022.

This Hoya came to me in a trade made in the early fall of 2021 where I traded a very talented grower and Instagram star from Phoenix a couple of H. thailandica plants for three plants of which Hoya stenophylla was one of them.

Final Day With Hoya myrmecopa

The flowers of Hoya myrmecopa are available in a few different colors; my clone was sold as purple. I no longer keep this plant but would like to give it another try someday, experimenting with some looser growing mediums and watering much less. The flowers are cute and a well grown plant is very nice to see.

Growing Hoya myrmecopa Part Two

I finally got this plant to grow well enough for me to get it to flower in February of 2019. I strongly suspect that I simply could not keep this plant warm enough to grow well. I also think that I was using a mix that held too much water and was not airy enough. If I still had the plant I would experiment with other growing media.