Hoya macgillivrayi Texturized

I have not fooled around with the photo processing software package that I have, but this morning I decided to give it a try. It really does make for an interesting effect.

Hoya macgillivrayi Flowers Without Supplemental Lighting

This is only the second time that this has happened to me. I have flowered Hoya macgillivrayi dozens of times, but with only one exception it has always involved using supplemental grow lights. That previous exception produced only one flower; on this occasion I got four.

Hoya australis Lisa Is One Of The Finest Hoya Introductions In The Last Decade

When this plant first became available it was insanely expensive, and I stayed away from it. After picking one up a few years ago on a lark, not all that enthusiastically, it turned into one of my most spectacular plants. It is now available almost everywhere for very cheap prices and I encourage everyone to have this plant in their collection. It is the easiest to grow of any variegated Hoya that I have ever attempted and the most rewarding.

Final Day With Hoya hamiltoniorum

I will need to rewrite the page that I have set up for Hoya hamiltoniorum as when I look back on what a sick plant I had at the time, it is pretty embarrassing. Other odds and ends to tie up. The flowers do have a scent that while not super strong is definitely noticeable. It is pretty much indescribable, but it is not unpleasant. This is a Hoya that is definitely worth giving a try. Grow it in coconut husk, water once a week, transplant when necessary, give it good light, high humidity and hopefully you will get a plant that looks like mine!

Growing A Better Hoya hamiltoniorum Part Four

I think two things turned this plant around. The first thing was transplanting it into coconut husk chips which is my now go to Hoya potting substrate. I got it into a routine of dipping the entire pot into a nutrient solution once per week. The second thing was getting these flat mites under control with a spraying of sulfur. Finally I had a healthy plant that rather than struggling to get it to grow, I now struggle to keep the growth in check.