Hoya flagellata Flowers Again

Hoya flagellata is really just a narrow-leafed H. caudata, but I have yet to change its name. I have had this plant now for around a decade, and I am surprised myself that I still have it. Anyhow, it flowered again this morning, but because the lights come on so early in the morning, I can’t really catch it fully reflexed. The flowers are still pretty cute though!

Hoya stenophylla Is In Bud Again!

I thought that the last time I flowered Hoya stenophylla, it was only because it was dying and on the way out, but now remarkably my healthy, shaggy dog plant has another bud. This is a plant that very few people have flowered so I feel very fortunate to be among them!

Flower Buds On The Original Borneo Clone Of Hoya Undulata

There are at least 2 clones of Hoya undulata. One of them has much smoother edged leaves that is wider and somewhat shorter. The original one from Borneo has longer, wavier leaves, that get extremely red under good lighting. It is this original one that is so difficult for me to grow well. It is many times harder to grow than the smooth-edged clone. Anyhow, I have buds on the difficult to grow one that actually look pretty good. Pictured below:

Final Day with Hoya Icensis

I can highly recommend this wonderful Hoya, which should be readily available. Even without the striking flowers, the leaves are stunningly beautiful on this plant. Keep in mind to water this plant sparingly and don’t over light it and it should give you little trouble.

The Flowers of Hoya Icensis

The flowers on this Hoya are really striking! I have read that the blooms smell of licorice, but it is very light and not really too noticeable to me. The blooms only last about three or four days in the fully reflexed position.

Growing Hoya Icensis Part Three

I should also say that Hoya Icensis requires very little water. It stays moist for 2-3 weeks at a time after a watering. It is easy to develop root rot on this one. I finally got a peduncle that developed buds in November of last year (2022) and was really looking forward to the flowers.