Hoya acicularis Flowering For Third Time This Year

After waiting for nine years to get Hoya acicularis to flower a second time, the plant is now flowering for the third time this year. On top of that, it looks like several peduncles have developing buds. Sometimes it just takes enormous amounts of patience, so never give up!

Final Day With Hoya tannaensis

Hoya tannaensis is a great Hoya that I can highly recommend to all collectors. It is a plant that is a good grower, and looks to be a very frequent bloomer. The flowers have an interesting scent, and are quite beautiful. I have nothing bad to say about it, and I want to thank Rachel Colette Conroy for making this possible through her generous gift of a cutting.

Growing Hoya tannaensis Part One

I received a healthy Hoya tannaensis cutting late in the summer of 2022, which I quickly rooted in coconut husk chips. Other than a couple of leaves being slightly chlorotic, it was pretty straightforward and unproblematic. It developed a peduncle and began to bud up about one year after starting from a cutting.