Growing Hoya stenaokei (NS12-222) Part Three

In November of last year (2023), Hoya stenaokei (NS12-222) budded up and flowered less than 18 months after I had started it from a cutting. The plant was primarily grown in coconut husk chips, with a weekly dip into a nutrient solution. The specimen was truly outstanding despite living with root mealybugs, which I am still working on eradicating.

Growing Hoya stenaokei (NS12-222) Part Two

The 3 plants that came in the order were all labeled H. stenaokei, but what was puzzling was that two of them had pubescent leaves and one had glabrous leaves. I did not know if the vendor somehow made a mistake or not. I sold the smaller of the two pubescent cuttings, and kept one and kept the glabrous one. Both cuttings grew well under lights in the grow tent, but the pubescent one grew with much greater vigor. It was not long before I had to move it up to a 7 inch pot with a tomato ladder trellis.

Growing Hoya stenaokei (NS12-222) Part One

I received Hoya stenaokei May 10th, 2022 in an Etsy order from an Indonesian vendor. Unlike many overseas orders that I have placed, most of the plants in the box arrived in pretty decent shape. It included two or three half rooted cuttings of stenaokei among other things. I quickly potted them up in coir chips and put them in the propagator.