Hoya surisana – Not!

It is always disappointing to put your heart and soul into a plant expecting it to be one thing and then finding out, it is something else altogether. Here is a plant that was supposed to be Hoya surisana, but it is clearly another random campanulate species. Hoya surisana has a distinctive long calyx that these buds are completely missing. To add insult to injury, on three separated occasions the buds have fallen off before opening. The same thing happened to these buds below.

Hoya piestolepsis Won’t Flower – Why?

I may have to move Hoya piestolepsis into the Hall of Shame shortly if I can’t figure out how to bloom it. The plant is huge with numerous peduncles, but it refuses to bud up. I suspect that there is a blooming trigger that I am missing such as increasing or decreasing day length that is the issue. I will have to start trying different things.

A Couple of Days With Hoya tannaensis

Hoya tannaensis has to be one of the most under appreciated Hoya in the plant world. I never seem to see this one posted about on Facebook, or other websites. It has to be one of the most gorgeous Hoyas when in bloom, and it is so easy to care for – what more could you ask for in a plant?