Final Day With Hoya narcissiflora

It is time to say goodbye to Hoya narcissiflora for now, but I hope to have it around for a long time and bring it back with subsequent flowerings. This is a great Hoya for anyone that has had good luck growing and flowering campanulate species such as H. danumensis. I would rate its difficulty level at somewhere around 6 on a scale of one being dead easy to grow, and 10 being all but impossible.

Growing Hoya narcissiflora Part Two

In the years since I first tried to grow the plant I had switched from a peat-based potting mix to a much more open substrate consisting of primarily coir chips. This mix has made a huge difference in my ability to grow these more finnicky species. Although I have only been growing Hoya narcissiflora for a few months, it has proven to be totally unproblematic growing in coconut husk chips.

Growing Hoya narcissiflora Part One

I first attempted to grow Hoya narcissiflora back around 2018, or 2019 with very bad results. I could barely keep it alive, restarting it a couple of times and losing it within a year. Fast forward a few years to spring 2024, and my very good friend Julie Kennedy from the UK sent me a nicely rooted cutting as part of a Hoya exchange. Below the foliage of Hoya narcissiflora: