Hoya mirabilis Clone B – The Freshest Flowers

I just caught these flowers opening this morning. This plant seems to have picked up for me as I have struggled with it for some time. It has two of these peduncles full of flowers right now. If you have never seen these in real, they are really something. It is like H. lacunosa flowers on steroids.

The Waiting Room Of The Hoya Maternity Ward

It won’t be much longer on these seedpods. Here are my two prospective mothers hanging out together talking about the possibilities. There will be over a hundred seed in the multiflora pod, but based on my past experience, there will only be at most 15 seeds per pod on Hoya ruthiae.

Hoya ruthiae Has Seedpods Again!

I first got seedpods on Hoya ruthiae back in 2019 and thought it was a complete one in a million fluke as the book A Guide To The Hoyas of Borneo says that “fruits of this species are unknown.” Well here we are in 2021, and I once again have seedpods!