I like to experiment with different lighting techniques when photographing Hoyas. Here is a shot of Hoya sp. 22 Khao Yai without the flash. I love the bone colored flowers that look like they have been lightly dipped in creme brulee.
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A Visit with Hoya buotii
Here is a video that I made of Hoya buotii that will hopefully show what a mature specimen looks like along with a few care tips.
For a Plant That Didn’t Want To Bloom…..
After chasing the sun all summer long trying to get Hoya curtisii to bloom, it now flowers in four separate months. I don’t know what to say about this plant; it has produced flowers in September, October, November, and now December of this year. It must be that all of the summer sun gave it the energy needed, even though the plant now practically sits in the dark. No one should ever give up on flowering the H. curtisii, because it will happen for you!
New Look For Vermont Hoyas!
Everyone who comes to my blog today will notice a considerable difference in the look and feel of the website. I have changed my WordPress theme from Twenty Ten to Twenty Twelve primarily to make it easier for those who access the site from mobile devices to navigate the menus. While I am still a hold out, like it or not most, of the world now carries a smart phone; many people are now using it as their main device to access the internet. Hopefully this change will make it easier for them. I was also getting a little bored with the look of the old site, and kind of like the sparseness of the new theme. As I learn more about customization of the theme there may be a few more tweeks in the months to come.
Here is One of My Favorite Photos of a Small Flowered Hoya
I have taken thousands of Hoya photos, and here is one of my favorites of a small flowered Hoya. Before I close out the posts on Hoya Halophila, I want to say that it smells much like butterscotch! One other thing the flowers drip lots of nectar so keep this in mind if your plant will live indoors.
Just the Flowers Ma’am! Hoya davidcummingii II
Here is a far better attempt at producing a nice time-lapse video of the flowers opening on Hoya davidcummingii. These are the first blooms to open on the plant since I restarted it from cuttings 10 months ago.
Hoya Friends
I met Dee and Kim three years ago when Dee emailed Carol Noel in Hawaii and asked her about growing Hoyas in Vermont. She passed along my name, and the two of them nervously drove the 30 miles from their home to mine to see my Hoyas. It turned out I wasn’t a serial killer, and both of them became friends with myself and my wife. They have become a good source to give some of my extra, or too large Hoyas to over the years.
Both Dee and Kim paid us a visit yesterday in our new home and gave us a house warming present. Dee works in stained glass and gave my wife a piece with a cat, and gave me an original of a Hoya imperialis flower. I had gifted Dee my too large imperialis a few months ago, and she took a photo of the blooms at her house. That photo is what she worked from to create this treasure below.
A Visit with Hoya campanulata
Here is a video that clocks in at just a little under six minutes that shows, over a period of 15 or 16 months, my experiences with one of my favorite houseplants.