Category Archives: Hoyas

Growing Hoya sp. Wavy Leaves Part Two

The plant grew well for a few months growing several new leaves, but I could not get large leaves like the plant came with. I suspect that my lighting was too bright. For Hoyas to get really large leaves, they need fairly dim lighting.

Growing Hoya sp. Wavy Leaves Part One

I received Hoya sp. Wavy Leaves from April Mall from Unsolicited Plant Talks as a gift in the early autumn of 2020. It had a gorgeous large leaf with fabulous markings and wavy edges. I was never actually able to duplicate the first leaf. Below one of my leaves:

Hoya multiflora Has A Seedpod

This is a first for me, and could not have happened without putting the plant outside for the summer. I don’t know what pollinated it, but I have about a billion earwigs this year crawling on everything.

Water and Hoyas

I am constantly flummoxed as to why I struggle to grow some Hoyas that I used to grow easily in my last home. The only thing that I can really come up with is the water. I was on a tiny community well that serviced about 35 homes, and the only thing added to that water was chlorine. Large commercial water systems like the one that I am on now no longer use chlorine, but moved some time ago to chloramine which does not dissipate quickly like chlorine. I do not believe that my r/o system can filter it out either. I am wondering if some Hoyas are sensitive to it, and possibly the chemical is causing some of my issues.

I have just installed a rain barrel pictured below, and in a short time already have over 100 gallons of water saved. I will report back on how this works out for me at some future time. Fingers crossed!