Category Archives: Hoya Movies

Hoya curtisii Double Feature!

Here are two quick videos that I made of my February blooming Hoya curtisii.  I believe that one of them could be the world’s first time-lapse of the flowers opening on H. curtisii.  Hope that you have at least half the pleasure of viewing them as I had making them.

Just the Flowers Ma’am! Hoya griffithii

Here is a very short and sweet time-lapse of the flowers opening on Hoya griffithii.  I hope that you like it as much as I do.  Unfortunately the music I used turned out to be copyrighted so you will have to kill a YouTube ad about half way through.


Home is Where the Plants Are

Here is a little video showing what I see when I get off the bus at night after working hard all day.  Everyone needs a hobby to help relieve those everyday stresses.  My hobby is growing and trying to flower Hoyas.

Hoya imperialis Unplugged – The Movie

I made a video of my workplace Hoya imperialis on the Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year.  I call it Hoya imperialis Unplugged, and in it you will see where I spend most of my time processing library materials.  You will also see an imperialis flowering away with no added lights, humidity, or other special aids that I employ most times to flower these sometime finicky plants.