Author Archives: Doug

Growing Hoya desvoeuxensis Part Four

As happy as I was to have finally flowered Hoya desvoeuxensis, what I was really after was an umbel of flowers rather than a single bloom. I was not to have to wait too long, as the plant put on a 2nd peduncle in December and by January, I had seven flowers! This plant while not really growing nice dark green leaves was definitely a quick and ready bloomer!

Growing Hoya desvoeuxensis Part Three

Here are some general observations about my solitary Hoya desvoeuxensis bloom from December: The flower surprised me and smelled exceptionally strongly of caramel. The bloom does not fully open until about 24 hours has passed. I was somewhat disappointed the first day when I took all of these photos that the flower was only opened this much:

The next day however I was much more pleased with it after it fully opened. The flower hung one for around 10 days, which was way longer than expected.

Growing Hoya desvoeuxensis Part Two

After transplanting my little cutting grew steadily, but was somewhat chlorotic. I was surprised that it put on its first peduncle very early after I had had the plant for less than a month. I did not want to get too excited as I know that many of these plants can have peduncles for years and never flower. I did however get somewhat more jazzed when it started to bud up with only a few leaves. I initially had 3 buds but after a watering that was somewhat too enthusiastic, 2 of the buds yellowed and fell off. One bud however did hold on and made it to term.

Growing Hoya desvoeuxensis Part One

As you all know, I desperately tried to flower a plant that I believed to be Hoya desvoeuxensis for three years, and when I finally pulled it off, the plant turned out to be Hoya vitiensis Yellow. My good friend, and Hoya grower extraordinaire Julie Kennedy felt badly, and sent me a rooted 3 leaf cutting in sphagnum from someone who had actually flowered it, and knew for sure that it was the correct plant. The cutting arrived on my doorstep in late July of last year (2022). I gently transplanted the plant into a 7oz clear cup and filled in around the sphagnum with coconut husk chips.

Hoya serpens Flowers For First Time In Years

I used to flower Hoya serpens regularly but over the last few years, it has been all that I can do to keep the plant alive. I was very close to losing this one, but I’m so glad that I managed to keep it around. This is a plant that will only flower with the increasing day length of spring and early summer. I did it under lights by increasing day length from 12 hours a day to 15 hours a day.