Author Archives: Doug

Hoya oblongacutifolia Out of Control

I just spent the morning untangling vines and cleaning inside of of one of my large grow tents.  It was quite and ordeal, but worth it in the long run.  Anyway it allowed be to photograph some buried Hoya, and these are the photos over the next few days. Hoya oblongacutifolia had thrown out vines everywhere and is covered with peduncles and flowers.  Here are a couple of the new pictures:

Final Day With Hoya sp. Black Leaves EPC-301

Although the flowers are similar to many other Hoyas, Hoya sp. Black Leaves EPC-301 has its own charms with beautiful, shiny, speckled, leaves and an outstanding scent. If you don’t own another plant with the same type of flowers, I can recommend picking one of these up.  It flowers in two years from cutting and will produce a very nice specimen plant in a short time.

My History With Hoya sp. Black Leaves EPC-301

I received Hoya sp. Black Leaves EPC-301  in a trade from a collector in North Carolina in the summer of 2015 and flowered it in the summer of 2017.  The plant grew in my regular mix and I would put the difficulty level with 1 being dead easy, and 10 being impossible at a 4.

Exceptional Small Hoya lockii Plant

I have a number of small Hoya lockii plants as insurance against the loss of this harder than expected plant to grow.  This is the finest of the lot; note how many flowers are on this small six inch tall plant, which is grown in pure sphagnum.