Author Archives: Doug

My History With Hoya sp. Black Leaves EPC-301

I received Hoya sp. Black Leaves EPC-301  in a trade from a collector in North Carolina in the summer of 2015 and flowered it in the summer of 2017.  The plant grew in my regular mix and I would put the difficulty level with 1 being dead easy, and 10 being impossible at a 4.

Exceptional Small Hoya lockii Plant

I have a number of small Hoya lockii plants as insurance against the loss of this harder than expected plant to grow.  This is the finest of the lot; note how many flowers are on this small six inch tall plant, which is grown in pure sphagnum.

Haven’t Flowered This One In A While – Hoya mirabilis Clone B

There was a time when I had one of the most showy Hoya mirabilis Clone B plants in the world; that time has past. In those days, the plant grew semi-hydroponically and flourished. Two years ago I chopped up the plant and sold off all of the cuttings except one plant that was the worst of the lot.  Since then I have done little with it except throw it in the corner of a small grow tent.  Every so often it flowers; this is one of those times.