Hoya Rachel is a “sister” cross with Hoya Rebecca and comes from the union of Hoya lacunosa ‘Langkawi Island’ and Hoya obscura.
Hoyas From Seed Response
I just had a nice woman from Ohio contact me about selling her Reddit group Hoya seed, and since I frequently get request for Hoya seed I thought that I would share my response here:
Seeds – Sometimes I go years without pollination that produces a seedpod and other times I will get lucky and I might get 3 pollinations in one summer, but it is completely not predictable. I have never managed to purposely bring about a pollination. More on seeds: Except for Hoya papaschonii which seems to self pollinate regularly, and the seedlings are pretty much true to the parent, seeds are generally not a good way to increase your Hoya stock. Many of these seedlings are weaker, not true to the parents, and should never be sold or traded without being labeled a seedling. Sometimes you need to plant 50 seeds to come up with a couple of good plants as recently happened to me with both multiflora and ruthiae seed. Also, raising Hoyas from seed is a very slow and laborious practice, and not at all like starting, let’s say, tomatoes from seed. The best and only reliable way to propagate Hoyas is from stem cuttings so that you really know exactly what you are getting.
The Problem With Many Philippine Hoyas
There are many Philippine Hoyas that have one negative trait, and that is that the flowers have a very short life. Hoya cf. palawanica falls into that catagory. These blooms began to fade in only 24 hours.
Hoya cf. Palawanica Flowers More Aggressively The Second Time Around
My plant is now a little larger and Hoya cf. Palawanica has put out a very nice peduncle of flowers this go around. It is a very early bloomer that I can really recommend highly!
Hoya australis ‘Lisa’ In All Her Glory
Hoya australis ‘Lisa’ has grown exceptionally well this winter and has now gotten to be quite large. It is 38 inches tall and that is most likely as large as I will let it grow.
Hoya Patricia Flowers Again
I have said before that Hoya Patricia may be the best hybrid Hoya to have been created and I stand by that assessment. Here are flowers from this morning:
Hoya linearis After a Shower
Here is a photo that I took this morning after giving my Hoya linearis plants a shower. Please excuse the shower accoutrements.
Hoya australis ‘Lisa’ and Hoya patella
I had to get the most out of the Hoya patella flower that I cut off so here it is against Hoya australis ‘Lisa’:
Hoya australis ‘Lisa’ and Hoya platycaulis
These are both flowering right now so why not?
Hoya vangviengiensis and Hoya patella
Here is a photo of a Hoya patella flower sitting on the Hoya vangviengiensis blooms: