As I have said many times, Hoya obtusifolia will not flower without a period of shortening day length. This can easily be achieved with two different grow areas using lights. I grew mine for a few months at 14 hours of day light and then moved it to 12 hours of day length.
Ordinarily This Would Be The Time of The Year To Flower Hoya obtusifolia
Ordinarily Hoya obtusifolia would be opening her blooms in mid-October, but because of the miracle of being able to change day length with grow lights I bloomed this beauty way back in June.
Happy Halloween and The Flowers of Hoya obtusifolia
We have reached the end of October everyone so Happy Halloween everyone! We are now going to spend a few days talking about Hoya obtusifolia as this may have been my most impressive Hoya flowering of 2022.
Hoya paulshirleyi Seedling Is Flowering Again
I had to start my Hoya paulshirleyi seedling over again late summer because of root rot, and it is already flowering again. This is the Hoya that I received with the name Hoya GN-01 that is really a sister seedling to Hoya Paula and for all intents and purposes is that Hoya. It is a winner that is almost continually in bloom!
Hoya sp. Aff. Bella PES-03 Flowers Again
PES-03 is such a difficult little Hoya to grow well that I always have to celebrate when it comes into flower. Here I have a couple of peduncles full of blooms on a plant that lives in a 3 oz cup. It goes to show you that you do not need a very big pot for this plant, and as a matter of fact small is probably better. Flower comparison photo with Hoya multiflora is also shown.
Hoya cumingiana Seedling With Child Yet Again
It appears that over the summer my Hoya cumingiana Seedling was somehow pollinated again so I have a seedpod developing. This is always a rare and exciting moment here in Vermont!
Hoya Bella Seedling On A Circular Trellis
I really love my homemade hanging wire trellises and have dozens of Hoyas in them now. Here is one of my Hoya Bella Seedlings utilizing the trellis from this morning:
Hoya versteegii Is So Impressive It Gets A Second Day!
It will probably be a long time before I ever flower this one, but it is so cool that I wanted to feature it for a second day. You can see here that I have trained it to climb on a piece of twine secured to the top of my tent.
New Hoya For Me – Hoya versteegii
I struggled with this plant initially when I got it over a year ago, and had to start it over a couple of times before I got it right. It seems to be growing well now, which makes me happy as it has among the most beautiful leaves in the Hoya world.
Final Day With Hoya Mistie
Hoya Mistie was a fun Hoya to grow out. It flowers at less than six months of age, and the flowers have a delightful fragrance. The only drawback to the plant is that I have not been able to figure out what causes the chlorotic leaves. I think that this is some kind of issue with my growing conditions so I won’t hold it against the plant. If you can find this Hoya, I recommend that you give it a try!