Hoya hahniae and Hoya lockii

Final Hoya hahniae comparison photo for now.  After sacrificing a peduncle, which the plant would have flowered many times on, I needed to get the most from it, and I think I accomplished my mission!

Hoya hahniae and Hoya rosarioae

Both flowers are pink, but the much pinker Hoya hahniae makes Hoya rosarioae look orange. By the way, I finally had a chance to smell Hoya rosarioae without a cold, and I can say that it does indeed smell of roses!

Pink and Pinker -Hoya hahniae on the Left and Hoya rosarioae on the Right.

Hoya hahniae Won’t Stop Flowering Now

It took a while but now Hoya hahniae is a flowering machine – so much so that I felt I could sacrifice a peduncle to be able to take better photos of it. Over the next few days it will meet a number of new “friends.”

Hoya celata Is Getting Closer

You can tell that these flowers will be the true Hoya celata and not the ‘Pink Dragon’ because at this stage the buds have no pink tinge coloration – Nothing but pure green.  I would guess I will see flowers in a week to ten days.

Hoya celata At Last??

It has been an eight year journey to get this one to flower; will it indeed be the elusive Hoya pubicalyx ‘White Dragon’ now known as H. celata – Only time will tell.  Here are the buds from this morning – Excuse the lousy photo, but it was quite a reach to be able to take it.