Hoya pubicalyx Royal Hawaiian Purple Flowers In The Tent

I believe these pubicalyx clones are now called pubicorolla, but you know what, I will let the experts name them, and I will just continue growing them. RHP depending upon the conditions under which it is grown can have flowers that border on being almost black, or the more typical color here. Sunlight produces the darkest flowers in my experience.

Hoya linearis Times Two

Hoya linearis is a plant that I have no real understanding of; when it grows well it is awesome, but it can go downhill with one watering mistake. All I can say is enjoy it while you can!

Hoya ruthiae Seed Explosion

These two seedpods must have had a terrific explosion to create this kind of seed mess. Usually there is not nearly this much force when a pod ruptures, but this time there was seed literally everywhere! By the way the total seed count was 136.