Category Archives: Hoyas

Hoya griffithii Flowers At Strange Time Of The Year

Hoya griffithii is usually without fail an October bloomer, but last year I decided to start the plant over as it was really looking kind of ratty.  Look what I get about seven months later from starting the cutting – flowers with many more on the way.  Hoya griffithii is a plant that is capable of flowering very early!  Also, I should repeat for those always asking me for the most powerful scents in the Hoya world – Hoya griffithii is one of those.


A Couple More Photos of Hoya sp. VN Vietnam

The flowers get even more beautiful on Hoya sp. VN Vietnam when they lose their reflex, and the corollas swing back.  The flowers held this position for about three days before beginning to fall off.  The total flowering event lasted 7 or 8 days.

Hoya erythrostemma aff. sp. Sumatra NS07-004 Part V

Final day with Hoya erythrostemma aff. sp. Sumatra NS07-004; if it ever seriously wants to grow, I will bring it back.  This Hoya reminds me a little bit of Hoya mindorensis, which is extremely difficult for me to grow because of its high heat and humidity requirements.  I will say though that this was a Hoya that wants to flower even at an extremely young age and might be worth picking up for that reason alone.

Final Day with Hoya sp. VN Vietnam

Hoya sp. VN Vietnam is a fantastic plant, and while I’ve only had it a short time, it has won a place in my heart.  It is fairly easy to grow, with wonderful foliage and lovely flowers.  Hopefully it will soon be more widely available as it really deserves to be grown by everyone who loves the Hoya genus.