Category Archives: Hoyas

Hoya celata Flowering In The Regular House

I have to say that Hoya celata flowering in the regular house with no added lighting or humidity does my heart good.  After waiting so long for this Hoya, all the way back to when it was called Hoya pubicalyx White Dragon, it is great to finally have a mature specimen that flowers often.  I don’t know if you can see it in the photo, but there is a hint of pink in the flowers that I have not seen before.  Probably the dark conditions under which it bloomed caused this color variation.


Growing Hoya maxima Yellow Corona Part Two

My mount has both Hoya maxima Yellow Corona and Hoya maxima Red Corona intertwined so every time buds formed on various peduncles I was hoping that I was going to get the yellow flowers, but each time it was the red that showed up. I was looking for the yellow so that I could say that I had flowered both clones and finally it happened!

Growing Hoya maxima Yellow Corona

Hoya maxima Yellow Corona is growing in a fully functioning ecosystem that is comprised of mosses, ferns, grasses, fungi and even some very tiny insects.  It is an extremely large mount that weighs over 20 pounds wet, and it is pretty wet most of the time. Below the mount from this past summer:

Hoya maxima Yellow Corona Was One Of The Most Difficult Hoyas To Flower

If you’ve read about my flowering of Hoya maxima Red Corona, you know about all of the travails that I have faced over the years trying to flower an imbricate Hoya.  When I describe all of the expense and difficulties, I am really talking about this particular plant that you see below that I first bought from Gardino’s back in 2014.  The Red variety took less than 18 months to flower; the yellow took 5 years!

Final Day With Hoya bicknellii

I guess that I’ve run out of things to say about this wonderful Hoya. If you are looking for a spectacular, long-peduncled, glossy-leaved, far from run of the mill, Hoya, I think that Hoya bicknellii will fit your needs very nicely.