Category Archives: Hoyas

Hoya griffithii Perfumes Tent For Over a Week

I was afraid that I was going to lose this one for a while, and is a good reminder to not sell off too much of a plant when taking cuttings. I treasure Hoya griffithii for its flowers and growth habit. It will grow and flower under very cool conditions; this one is living in a place that does not get over 65 degrees F during the day and 57F at night.

Hoya dekeae Lives To Flower Again!

I started Hoya dekeae over from cuttings this past summer, and this time I planted it in leca using the semi-hydro, or passive hydro method. It has been very slow going, but it has finally rewarded me with flowers. I barely keep any water in the reservoir so that I don’t inadvertently rot the roots, which is easy on this species.

Final Day With Hoya sp. Kalimantan (SLM-02)

This beautiful and ephemeral flower is the reason why Hoya sp. Kalimantan (SLM-02) should be sought out for the collection. I have found the plant so far to be much easier to grow than the regular all yellow flowered H. wallichii; so if one had a choice, this plant would be the one to choose. It also is capable of getting up to three buds on the same peduncle, which also makes it a superior choice.