Category Archives: Hoyas

Buds on Hoya Insularis!

Hoya insularis was formally known as Anatropanthus borneensis and was moved over to the genus Hoya in March, 2020. I have to thank two people for sending me specimens of this plant. April Mall of Unsolicited Plant Talks and Mandy Lin sent me plants allowing me to try growing it in a couple of different mediums. The plant growing in leca using semi-hydro has grown admirably while I lost the plant grown in soil. Below the start of extremely strange buds Hoya insularis:

Healthiest Hoya undulata I’ve Ever Had

I have never owned a Hoya undulata that was as healthy as this specimen. This Hoya was sent to me as a small plant from Mandy Lin, and I am eternally grateful. It is an Indonesian clone, and I don’t know if this plant is inherently easier to grow, or I have just been lucky with this one.

Such A Struggle To Keep This One Alive For Me

I continue to keep up the good fight to keep this one alive and hope that with the warmer weather around the corner it might help. Hoya sp. SR-2017-012 Frog Foot is just tough to grow well, but I just love it so much that I will be sad if it does not make it. Here are flowers on my tiny remaining plant from yesterday:

Here Is What A Healthy Hoya burmanica Looks Like

Semi-Hydro, or passive-hydro, whatever you want to call it, was a complete disaster for this plant, and I came very close to losing it. Hoya burmanica is very susceptible to over watering and wet roots, so growing it in terracotta seems to be working very well for this it.

In Praise of Hoya multiflora Part Two

Here is why I think Hoya multiflora is superior as a houseplant to Hoya lockii: Hoya multiflora has nicer foliage – the leaves are broader and just nicer. I think the flowers are more interesting with better coloration. The biggest reason that I like Hoya multiflora more than Hoya lockii is that it is just a much more vigorous and easier to grow plant, so three cheers for Hoya multiflora!

In Praise of Hoya multiflora

In the last several years it seems as if Hoya lockii has supplanted good old Hoya multiflora in a popularity contest. To me this just is not right. Tomorrow I will tell why I like Hoya multiflora more.

I Tried To Pollinate Hoya sp. Kalimantan SLM-01

I loved this Hoya so much that I spent a couple of hours with a cat whisker and a head worn magnifier trying without success to pollinate Hoya sp. Kalimantan SLM-01. It was easy to remove the pollinaria, but impossible for me to insert it into the flowers lock mechanism. I really feel that if you want to successfully pollinate Hoyas, there would have to be an apprenticeship served under someone who has mastered the technique. Attempting to do this from what one can glean on the internet is darned near impossible. I am also wondering if I have the patience for it!