Category Archives: Hoyas

Hoya undulata – Smooth Leaf Flower Again Five Weeks Later

Now I know exactly how long it takes from bare peduncle to flower on Hoya undulata. When I checked the dates on the photos, here is what I got. I photographed the first batch of flowers on July 6th. The new batch of flowers opened on the same peduncle on August 12th. I got 6 blooms on both flowerings.

Hoya multiflora Looking Good!

Here is a photo of a new batch of buds and the single seed pod on Hoya multiflora. This is another plant that only recently took off after thoroughly pulling off all of the rotten roots at the bottom of the leca pot. I also used multiple rinses to clean the substrate. With semi-hydro and leca, you can never get lazy or you will pay the price!

After 6 Long Years, It Looks Like I May Finally Flower Hoya nervosa!

If you remember last year, I listed about seven Hoyas that fell into my Hoya Hall of Shame, because I had them for years and never flowered them. Well right in the middle of that list is where Hoya nervosa fell. If I manage to flower it, this will probably be the highlight of my summer; not because the flowers are particularly beautiful, but because it has been such a long wait!! The plant is covered with buds; below are a couple of peduncles:

Hoya undulata – An Embarrassment Of Riches

My wavy-leaved Hoya undulata clone has decided to bud up as well. I don’t know if these buds will make it to term, but they are nice to see. Also, considering all of the trouble that this plant has given me over the years, I would have to say that I deserve these!