Category Archives: Hoyas

Growing Hoya nervosa Part One

I received Hoya nervosa as an unrooted cutting from Ric Morier way back in 2015 when you could still buy cuttings for less than $15. I rooted it the traditional way in moist potting mix and began growing it inside of a tent in my basement.

Happy September 1rst Everyone!

I hope that September 2021 is a great one for everyone that reads this blog! Here is the final flower of Hoya undulata for 2021, and with the difficulty in growing this one, it could be the last photo for this species take by me ever!

The Buds of Hoya sp. UT-033

I have had to start this plant over a number of times, but I keep it around because I really like it. Here is a photo of the buds from this morning, which should open very soon.