Category Archives: Hoyas

Hoya macgillivrayi Is The Plant That Really Got Me Hooked On Hoyas

I have been asked many times how did you get hooked on Hoyas, and despite starting out like everyone else with H. carnosa, what really got me hooked is when I bought this plant way back in 2006 on eBay, from a woman who lived in Oklahoma, who was getting rid of all of her large leafed plants. I paid what was then a princely sum of $50 for it and still have this same clone today. I got a lot of praise for flowering what was considered a Hoya that was difficult to flower, and that was what got me hooked on the genus.

What A Small World We Live In Now

I was so surprised and gratified that one of my YouTube channel viewers from Australia named Kim sent me these wonderful photos of how she used my trellising idea for her own Hoyas. The fence she used is not quite the same, but she ingeniously made it work for her. Note how she used the branch to hang them from. I am so impressed! By the way, I still use this trellising method almost every day!