Category Archives: Hoyas

Hoya ruthiae Seed Explosion

These two seedpods must have had a terrific explosion to create this kind of seed mess. Usually there is not nearly this much force when a pod ruptures, but this time there was seed literally everywhere! By the way the total seed count was 136.

Hoya darwinii Flowers Again!!

Hoya darwinii is an ungodly hard plant to grow, and after a couple of years I managed to flower it again. This is the first time that I have been able to take it from a cutting to mature flowering plant. The overall specimen is not that pretty, but for me it is not too bad.

Sadly I Let The Hoya Undulata Get Too Dry

Hoya undulata is so tricky; if you let the media get too wet it will drop its buds and if you let it get too dry in will do the same. At least it hung on to two flowers after I gave it a drink. It is not very often that I let something get too dry, as I am a chronic over waterer!

The Buds of Hoya onychoides New AH-455

This will be an new clone of H. onychoides for me to flower. I previously flowered regular version and one called Hoya onychoides New AH-307. I have to say that this “New” version seems to be much more vigorous than the 307. Much more on this plant after it flowers.