Category Archives: Hoya Movies

A Visit with Hoya callistophylla

I seldom ever mention Hoya callistophylla on this blog; it is one of my most beautiful specimen plants, but it so rarely grows or does anything notable, it is out of my thoughts.  I do however love the plant and still keep it.  Here is a video from last year showing off the plant, which I recently uploaded to YouTube:

Bumblebee Bella

Here is a short new YouTube video I made showing bumblebees buzzing about and drinking nectar on Hoya bella.  I used the music Dance of the Bumblebee, which composed over 100 years ago apparently is still under copyright.  So if you see an ad, or find that you cannot watch it, that is the reason why.

Hoya patella 2014

It has been a couple of years since I made my first video of Hoya patella.  Here is the sequel that shows how much the plant has grown in that time.