Author Archives: Doug

New Roommates: Hoya linearis and Hoya krohniana

My old heart-leafed lacunosa just got a new roommate: Hoya linearis. Most of the plants out there labeled as Hoya krohniana now seem to actually be sports of lacunosa. My Hoya krohniana that came to me as the Heart-Leafed Lacunosa is probably the real Hoya krohniana as it never gets anything but heart-shaped leaves.

A Very Cool Photo!

This is the coolest photo that I have taken in some time. I have never caught the flowers on Hoya benchaii before they have fully reflexed before, but I just happened to see this and grabbed a quick photo.

More Hoya hamiltoniorum

Since flowering Hoya hamiltoniorum does not happen everyday, we will take another couple of days to appreciate the plant. The fact that it has flowered on a window sill in ambient conditions is just icing on the cake!

The Hoya That I Have Had The Longest Time

I believe that Hoya calystophylla that I bought from Carol Noel back when she was actively selling Hoyas is the Hoya that I have actually owned the longest. It has been restarted a few times, but for some reason I still have managed to hang on to it. Here it is flowering in my tent this morning: