Author Archives: Doug

Hoya stenophylla – Last Photo of a Plant That Got Too Large

Sadly, I finally got to the point where I could no longer handle the massive size of this plant, or stand the constant cleanup mess from the spent flowers. This is the last photo of it before I pulled it apart to salvage the vine clips, pot, trellis and a few cuttings, before discarding it. This one hurt quite a bit, but no plant lasts forever.

Hoya celata Gets Flushed

I feed the plants every time that I water except once a month when I try to flush the substrate with plaint water. Here is Hoya celata in the sink after getting flushed:

Hoya maingayi In Bud!

I have a really nice specimen of Hoya maingayi and will be showcasing it in the coming weeks. I am particularly excited to have found these buds on the plant which has not flowered in over a year. It lives in the regular house so these buds are that much more remarkable. I wish the photo was better, but I think you get the idea.