Sadly, I finally got to the point where I could no longer handle the massive size of this plant, or stand the constant cleanup mess from the spent flowers. This is the last photo of it before I pulled it apart to salvage the vine clips, pot, trellis and a few cuttings, before discarding it. This one hurt quite a bit, but no plant lasts forever.
Author Archives: Doug
Hoya griffithii Silver – The Entire Plant and Foliage
Sadly after I took these photos, I had to cut all of the flowers off from the plant as it was dripping nectar all over its leaves and everything else.
Hoya griffithii Silver Flowering On The Windowsill
The fragrance of this one can be a bit overwhelming. Tomorrow photos of the entire plant.
Hoya maingayi Getting Closer
Hoya maingayi has to be one of the slowest Hoyas to go from beginning buds stage to flower. It is however getting closer week by week.
Three Musketeers!
From left to right: Hoya buntokensis, Hoya desvoeuxensis, and Hoya apoda
Hoya buntokensis and Hoya desvoeuxensis
Here is another unlikely duo:
Hoya apoda and Hoya buntokensis
I may have brought you this pairing before, but anyway here is a new photo from this morning. It looks photo shopped, but it is not. I just rested the apoda bloom on top and took the photo.
Hoya decipulae Flowers Continually
The growth of this plant reminds me so much of Hoya papaschonii including the almost constant flowering and thirst for water.
Hoya celata Gets Flushed
I feed the plants every time that I water except once a month when I try to flush the substrate with plaint water. Here is Hoya celata in the sink after getting flushed:
Hoya maingayi In Bud!
I have a really nice specimen of Hoya maingayi and will be showcasing it in the coming weeks. I am particularly excited to have found these buds on the plant which has not flowered in over a year. It lives in the regular house so these buds are that much more remarkable. I wish the photo was better, but I think you get the idea.