The flowers and buds of Hoya sp. Frog Foot are so glass-like that it can’t be captured in a photograph.
Author Archives: Doug
A Real Handful – Hoya undulata
I know that I have posted dozens of Hoya undulata photos, but when they are staring you right in the face, it is hard to just ignore these. From this morning:
Cast of Characters
Here are the clipped blossoms of the flowers that I picked to feature with Hoya maingayi. From Left to right: H. griffithii, H. stenaokei, H. desvoeuxensis, and H. mummularioides.
Hoya maingayi and Hoya nummularioides
Once again, the photo says it all!
Hoya maingayi and Hoya stenaokei
In the coming days, I will talk much more about the dark clone of Hoya stenaokei, but for now here is one of its flowers up against the flowers of Hoya maingayi.
Hoya maingayi and Hoya desvoeuxensis
I guess the title says it all!
Hoya maingayi And My Hand
Here is a shot of the flowers with my hand to get a perspective on the over all size of the flowers of Hoya maingayi.
Hoya maingayi and Hoya griffithii
Similar color, but could not be any more different!
Hoya maingayi In All Of Its Glory
I really love this plant; it does not flower too often so that you get jaded, and the flowers unlike so many other Hoya does not drip nectar all over the place!
Hoya maingayi – Dark Side Of The Moon
I love this partially open peduncle of Hoya maingayi flowers.