Author Archives: Doug

Friday the 13th, But All Is Well

I have a lot of stuff blooming at the moment, but nothing new, and I don’t have much to say about anything so I am going to be once again subjecting you to many flower comparison photos over the next several days. The photos are all freshy taken though and have never appeared here before. So let’s start with Hoya desvoeuxensis and Hoya callistophylla:

Hoya sp. IM-08 Is A Must Have!

There are absolutely no negatives to owning Hoya sp. IM-08, and is an absolute must have Hoya. This Hoya now deserves a species name! I believe that this Hoya meets the criteria of a plant that will someday be a mass market houseplant as it is extremely vigorous, quick growing, and would make a very handsome hanging basket. Below my huge trellised specimen getting a bath in the kitchen sink.